Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Amrithapuri (So. Kerala) India - January 9th, 2007

Today I presenced a puja (purification) of the local people by the sea. The location of this ashram in this fishermen village town, is between the Arabian sea and the canals. Amma constructed a big bridge for crossing over the canals, so if there were to happen another Sunnami catastrophe, children could run to the bridge steps and save their lives.
When the Sunami hit 2 yeas ago, few children were killed in this village, and a lot of fishermen homes destroyed. She rebuilt a lot of these families' lives, and has lots of proyects to help victims of the catastrophe. They grow their own Ayurvedic herbs and have a beautiful building by the ocean where they do Ayurvedic research.
In the early morning and evening before sunset, Amma encourages the Westerners to go there and meditate by the sea. This evening I went there at 5:30pm and sat by the rocks watching the sunset and the crashing waves as the sun sets. A very peaceful and meditating spot.



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