Pondicherry (Tamil Nadu) - Jan. 31st, 2007
The International Vision by the Mother, says:
"There should be somewhere upon Earth a place that no nation could claim as its sole property, a place where all human beings of goodwill, sincere in their aspication, could live freely as citizens of the world..."
I visited the Aurobindo Ashram founded in 1926 by Sri Aurobindo and a French woman known as The Mother. At the main building entrance there is a tomb with both of them covered by beatuful flowers and people come to meditate.
Then, I took a ride to Auro Beach, to the northern beach where a few westerners were enjoying the sun and waves. This ocean is very ruff though, too many waves, so it's impossible to swim. There seems to be a lot of poverty in the communities near the beach areas, and the fishing villages.
The meals at the Ashram are very healthy, but after 2 days, everything repeats itself pretty much, so it's time for a little change outside.
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